Morality! What's wrong to you feels right to me!
Morality! I thought that we were all agreed
That you have no right to judge what I do,
If it doesn't harm you.
'Morality's all relative'. The only absolute is Me.
But does that leave us in a fog of moral relativity?
Only if we settle for an ethical passivity
And let our contexts cage us in cultural captivity.
But at its best this urges us to act with sensitivity,
Always giving space for our human subjectivity
Without defaulting to a flat unfeeling 'objectivity'
Which short-circuits the flow of interpersonal creativity.
What implications might this have regarding sexuality?
And questions of diversity and marital legality?
Questions that are hard to handle with impartiality
Since they cut directly to the heart of personality,
Especially in our modern age of individuality
Where hi-tech tools allow us to ignore object reality
And lose ourselves in virtual worlds of sweet sentimentality.
Is it possible to find a point of commonality?
Morality! If we're to live in harmony -
Morality! Cannot just mean 'it feels right to me'.
Because ultimately the things that I do
Also affect you.
Perhaps that point is found in our desire to live authentically,
Which at its root is all about our purpose and identity.
'Baby I was born this way', the radio sings endlessly,
But what's the purpose for which you were born? What is your destiny?
And that's a question that moves modern man with great intensity:
As medicine allows us lives of lengthening longevity
Whence can we learn the skills to live with spiritual integrity?
And is a human person just biology and chemistry?
Please don't think I'm asking for a peaceful, passive abdication
Of your mind and will, accepting life with stoic resignation
And never complaining. No! I want your conversation!
Let's fight this out! Wrestle all night! Have real communication.
I'm not totalitarian, I never liked dictation.
And when I spoke the Word at the beginning of creation,
I gave the Spirit total freedom of interpretation.
Relationships require wild and free imagination.
Morality! is not opposed to liberty
Morality! is what we need if we are to be free,
For I must trust you to treat me as you
Would if I were you.
'Morality's all relative', we've said. But so is space and time.
Nonetheless, the truth is that all human beings have been designed,
And differences in gender were part of my plan for humankind.
No sooner will we say this, than someone will speak up to remind
Us that there are those who do not neatly fit within the lines
Of 'male' and 'female' categories. Well, brokenness can't be denied.
Recall though, in John chapter nine, the question, 'Why was he born blind?'
The answer? 'So that in his life, God's glory would be magnified'.
But to describe as 'broken' all who struggle with sexuality,
-or in fact don't struggle, but, embrace being LGBT-
Is unacceptable, or at least incorrect politically.
Though that we need not hide our shit is true and I indeed agree,
Denying who we are is neither holy nor healthy.
But don't base self-definition on mere sexual activity,
For action should be fruit not cause of personal identity-
And let's discern between the act, and the mere propensity.
Morality! requires deep humility.
Morality! is not something you can achieve
Without God's grace empowering you
To walk in love and truth.
You do what you don't want to do, and what you want to, you don't do.
And what you want to want to do, may not be what you should want to.
And if you knew what you should do, the likelihood is still that you
Would want to do things that now you know that you should not want to do.
So to conclude, though you're confused, your conscience needs to be renewed,
And the rebel urge to resist all restraint must be subdued.
But whether you're in solitude, or mingling with the multitude,
The answer to this problem's not to work on moral fortitude-
Counter to your expectation, in fact the only foundation
For true lasting transformation is to come into relation-
-ship with Me, your G-O-D! That will change the whole equation.
When you find true peace of mind and see that there's no condemnation
For whatever 'wrongs' you've done, and that your 'rights' can't earn salvation,
Then you can, for the first time, receive authentic liberation
From the fear that drives you to attempt your self-justification.
Grace releases you to find at last your personal vocation.
Morality! makes sense within God's family
Morality! is life as God intended it to be,
His radiant light shining through
Everything that you do.