Today, we will be talking about how 300 years ago
On this day, our country declared independence
So gather 'round class, and pay attention
Because I will be taking attendance
The United States declared independence from Britain
In 1776
This is very important and make sure you listen to the words coming out my lips
Following the American Revolution
They wrote the Constitution and signed the Bill of Rights
The second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence
Fourth of July
Time to get high
And watch the fireworks graze the sky
Bush did 9/11
Christian's ain't seeing heaven
Gays get prosecuted for their freedom of expression
Obesity and depression and autism
Death and wars and racism
North and South, Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative, creating a schism
Fourth of July
Time to get high
And watch the fireworks graze the sky
Fourth of July
You may ask why
We celebrate even though our country is going to die
They put citizens in prison for drug possession
They let our country go into a Great Depression
They don't solve the mental health obsession
Commit terrorist attacks and send us into a transgression
Abortion rights and women's equality should not be a session
Get impeached and found guilty yet no confession
Can you see the anger in my facial expression?
When will things change? That is the question
Oh, I can feel it now
Oh, wait one second
We're the #1 country in the world
#1 in violence, homelessness, and a shit economy
Healthcare is unaffordable and free in other countries
Better feed these fat kids some broccoli
Climate change and unemployment has gone downhill
Trying to build a wall to stop illegal immigration
It feels like a cult with all of this nationalism
Let's all just admit, we're the worst f*cking nation
Fourth of July
You're gonna cry
Fight the war in Iraq for our oil supply