Mongkhe Tengriyin Kuchudur
See dirty one's hands who avoids fighting
Masters of bloodshed always rule the land
If you don't know secret of victory let's seek
On Dardanelles horizon the soil of Sangarios
Take the thought of dying in your bed out of your mind!
Your bed is black soil maybe snow is your quilt
If one day you are excluded what will happen if I die?
Certainly our souls will meet on the Khan Tengri!
Sharpen the sword that remains from your ancestor
You'll hit it with all your might again
Oh Turk! You can't find this pleasure
Neither with your beloved nor at your father's home
Atandan kalan kılıcı iyi bile
Onu bütün gücünle vuracaksın sen yine
Bunun tadını ey Türk sen bulamazsın
Ne sevgili koynunda ne baba ocağında
Drink enemies' blood without hesitation
Let them laugh afterwards yellow dogs bastards
In this world of being you will die alone
You won't have anything even a gravestone!