You're predictable
You can try to make this about the minute length of us talking
You can try to frame this me as catching feelings
And you can frame this as me simply being hurt
Like you said on the phone. I don't care anymore
This is an ode to my new era
This is me putting my foot down, that's what this EP is about
This is about me not masking my emotion for the sake of others' feelings
For the sake of keeping peace and for the sake of wanting to be a good person
That's what this is for. This is a dedication to my future self
That putting this out means that I'm no longer going to let other's evil actions
Dictate how I view myself
As well as cementing that it won't change how I view others
On our car ride from Atlanta, you told me to look up the definition of the word "selfish"
In some effort to frame it as not a negative trait
And I did. It means "lack of consideration for others"
Which I think completely embodies my experience with you
People like you get hurt and you mirror what's been done to you
People like me are tired
People like me are sick of your virus spreading
You convince yourself that the only way to progress in life is by doing the exact things
To others that you'd hate to be done to you
Constantly having to question people's motives in hypervigilance
Because you know deep down, you'd do the same thing to them if it came down to it
Flowers can regrow until you bleach the f*cking soil
There's no beauty in a trampled garden