A Complete Unknown is a 2024 American biographical musical drama film directed by James Mangold, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jay Cocks. Based on the 2015 book Dylan Goes Electric! by Elijah Wald, the film portrays Bob Dylan through his earliest folk music success until the momentous controversy over his use of electric instruments at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival.
A Complete Unknown premiered at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on December 10, 2024, and was released in the United States by Searchlight Pictures on December 25, 2024. The film received generally positive reviews from critics, with universal acclaim for Chalamet's performance.
It was named one of the top ten films of 2024 by the American Film Institute and the National Board of Review, the latter of which also awarded Fanning the Best Supporting Actress prize. It received three nominations at the 82nd Golden Globe Awards: Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Actor for Chalamet and Best Supporting Actor for Norton.