Well this journey first concerned me back in nineteen eighteen
When Stoll demonstrated isolated ergotamine
We were all a little jealeous of those clever Rockerfellas
They cleaved lysergic acid from propanolamine
With this groundwork I found work hitherto unforeseen
I could combine lysergic acid with various amines
And my twenty-fifth synthesis had little to describe
Bit for the next four years I could'nt get it off my mind
Singing Oh Lord
If I'd only known
Who I do it again
Or leave it alone
Oh lord
Is it all too late
Is God behind the hand
That guides my fate
This chapter hereafter starts in nineteen forty-three
I kept myself busy but something bugged me
Just once to remake this substance to relieve my fixation
I relented and was presented with some strange sensations yeh
And that's it that did the trick and I can take no more
Could this be the key that could unlock some door
I told my hesitant assistant I was gonna self prescribed
And then untested I ingested LSD-twenty-five
Singing Oh Lord
If I'd only known
Who I do it again
Or leave it alone
Oh lord
Is it all too late
Is God behind the hand
That guides my fate
A quarter of a thousandth of a gram
Suspended in 10ccs of water
Do I realize just who I am
Do I dive in deeper than I ought to