Purify my heart
Refine me with Your holy fire
I lay down my pride
Surrendering my soul to You
Heal my heart
And make me pure
Every step, every choice
I will follow you
As the heavens are higher than the earth
So are Your ways
Your plans to prosper
And to give hope and a future
From the depths of my heart
I call upon Your Name
You are my solid rock
On which I stand
Your Word is a lamp to my feet
A light along my path
In the depths of Your love
I find my freedom
Heal my heart
And make me pure
Every step, every choice
I will follow you
As the heavens are higher than the earth
So are Your ways
Your plans to prosper
And to give hope and a future
From the depths of my heart
I call upon Your Name
You are my solid rock
On which I stand
Be glorified, Be glorified
Jesus, be glorified
In the heavens
Be glorified, Be glorified
Jesus, be glorified
In the heavens
As the heavens are higher than the earth
So are Your ways
Your plans to prosper
And to give hope and a future
From the depths of my heart
I call upon Your Name
You are my solid rock
On which I stand