Don't you know what my kind grow up to be
Aren't you enamored with the thought
Of all of those oriental movies
I can't live in a world where I'm not beautiful
Cause then I would have nothing, oh I already do
Cause I am nothing but the parts of me that you've preserved for you
And who am I if not feminized
Bitch boy, never the man
Bitch boy, what a shame you were born like this
So resign to your fate
Go sit with the girls
You're pretty much one anyways
I can't live in a world where I'm not beautiful
Cause then I would have nothing, oh I already do
Cause then I would have nothing, oh I already do
Who am I if not feminized
Cause then I would have nothing, at all
Cause then I would have nothing, at all
Cause then I would have nothing, at all
And I'd never prove that I am a man
I can't live in a world where I'm not beautiful
Cause then I would have nothing, oh I already
Cause then I would have nothing, oh I already do
And who am I if not feminized
What does that make me
I think it makes me nothing
Nothing at all
But I don't want you to strip that away from me oh
Cause then I would be nothing, at all
Cause then I would be nothing, at all
Cause then I would be nothing, at all
And that's not who I want to be