If I faced fate
Before all else
Where dismay
A sudden feeling
Of understanding
That without this prayer
Which succumbs to the truth
How I perceive the creator
Before the Sun and Moon
Whilst staring at the stars
Yet foresaw what was near
For this rebirth was farther
Than the soul of the bearer
Lifetimes ago
Amongst whom supposed
Was a choice
Multiplied by paths severalfold
Were to feel this presence
Connected upon absolute extinction
Therefore in muse
Which ceremoniously exchange
How minds do
Resonate when faced with danger
Were to overcome
The looming moment
But stare head on
Into the final resolution
Shall you remain
When the journey ends
Lit by an apocalyptic haze
Shielding one's invention
To stare
Into the survivor's eyes
And bear
This onus to stay alive
Because, my machine, we must count on you
To pass this message anew