Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Bona fide barbarian
A wannabe authoritarian
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
He's always been a little crass
He slapped the doctor on the ass
In second grade he made his case
He punched his teacher in the face
He's always been a special boy
'Cause being bad would bring him joy
He's always been a ladies' man
He grabs 'em there because he can
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Proud to be an Aryan
A wannabe authoritarian
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
He's gotta wear those special gloves
The kind that only mothers love
Keep little fingers toasty warm
Through the roughest Twitter storm
Now and then he'll lose his shit
And throw a man-sized hissy fit
His fingers may not be that long
They're still enough to launch the bombs
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Bona fide barbarian
A wannabe authoritarian
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Bona fide barbarian
Something the dog might carry in
Short-Fingered Vulgarian