Pappy loved Mammy, and Mammy loved Pappy
There's just one thing she wished he wouldn't do
Dipping and chewing, spitting and spewing
So Mammy started hiding old Pappy's spittoon
The first time she hid it, that rusty peanut can
Was on the first night of their honeymoon
When they got to fooling, Pappy started drooling
That's when Pappy popped the question about his lost spittoon
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
Mammy, won't you help me find it soon
I can't go much longer, the spit is getting stronger
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
The ladies' church luncheon was held once a month
And Mammy was hosting in June
She was mortified when the ladies all arrived
And Pappy hollered, Miss Elizabeth, where's my spittoon
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
Mammy, won't you help me find it soon
I can't go much longer, the spit is getting stronger
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
The last place she hid it was six feet underground
That day there weren't a dry eye in the room
When Mammy took his hand, said, here's your peanut can
Goodbye for now, but I'll be down to hide it from you soon
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
Mammy, won't you help me find it soon
I can't go much longer, the spit is getting stronger
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon
Mammy, oh Mammy, where's my spittoon