Waounba waoun Waounba waoun Waounba waoun Waounba waoun
Houn doté yin dokponon do houta Djohon so hou sin gbé wa do totché nou
Houn zéto sé gbédé do honou min Houn mon nou djè nou édo édéo bisséssé min
Ogbo djè djohon ton ylomin Oto vodoun wè dowin min mando
Ogbo djè djohon ton ylomin Oto vodoun wè dowin min mando
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Waounba waoun Waounba waoun Waounba waoun
Waounba waoun Houn doté yin dokponon do houta
Djohon so hou sin gbé wa do totché nou
Houn zéto sé gbédé do honou min
Houn mon nou djè nou édo édéo bisséssé min
Houn déta mon houéssivo do gléédji
Do linlin min o yonnoun dé fon do aguédji Hin
Gannou do tadji Bo do sin ba wè
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Give out the water, spread out the water
Waounba waoun Waounba waoun