I keep on searching
For a meaning
On the outside
Thought I'd lost my melody
Got out of sync with
Ascending rhythms
A sacred harmony
That opens all doors
Core golden silver sensations
Dance like the flames of a golden sun
Flow down the walls I created
The canyon separated
But a love song
Together building bridges
We carry each other
Through bridges of time
Forever singing bridges
Together building bridges
We carry each other
Through bridges of time
And now I've found it
My perfect silent symphony
On the inside tucked away
God I'm fearlessly free
I'm here to sing my
My sacred soundwave into light
I've been waiting for this moment all life
Core golden silver sensations
Dance like the flames of a golden sun
Flow down the walls I created
The canyon separated
But a love song
Forever singing bridges
Together building bridges
We carry each other
Through bridges of time
Forever singing bridges
Together building bridges
We carry each other through bridges of time
Em ơi nghe tiếng lòng Đất Nước
Ngân nga vang khắp cả đất trời
Con tim Hồng sau thăng trầm vẫn thở
Trọn vẹn tình giữ nhịp non sông
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on with me
Absolute protectorate
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on with me
We're almost free
Hold on
We're almost free
Hold on
Hold close to me
We're almost free
Hold on
We're carried over bridges
We carried over bridges
In absolute protectorate
We're carried over bridges
We carried over bridges
In absolute protectorate
So close
We're carried over bridges
We carried over bridges
In absolute protectorate
We're carried over bridges
We carried over bridges
In absolute protectorate
Hold on
We're carried over bridges
We carried over bridges
In absolute protectorate
We are the bridges through time