Blind faith a veil over my eyes
Masking truth with comforting lies
In the darkness I stumble I fall
But still I heed its seductive call
Blind faith a deceptive guide
Leading me where shadows hide
Lost in the maze of my own trust
In blindness my soul turns to dust
In the silence doubts start to grow
Yet blindly forward I must go
Ignoring reason's cautious plea
Trapped in the chains of certainty
Blind faith a path to nowhere
A whispered promise a siren's snare
With each step I sink deeper still
In the quicksand of my own will
The truth eludes me just out of reach
Yet still I cling to what I preach
Blind faith a cruel master it seems
Haunting my nights invading my dreams
In the end what will I find?
A shattered faith a broken mind
Lost in the echo of my own doubt
Blind faith what have you brought about?
Blind faith a burden to bear
A weight too heavy for me to share
In the darkness I remain confined
A prisoner of my own closed mind
Blind faith a bitter end draws near
As I confront the truth I fear
No longer blinded I finally see
The folly of blind faith that once captured me