You can catch me at the corner of the Kremlin, all cowled up
Get mollywhopped with a laptop, you fowl up
I'll push your T back, like clickin' with No Malice
Won't stop until my porch becomes a palace
I've got about three quarters and about ten dimes
That's one-seventy five, which is enough for me
To buy snacks from the good ol' fashioned Dollar Tree
Story of my life, I can only buy one thing
Got a button in my pocket from 1873
The most interesting thing on my story this past week
La di, da di, I hardly hit the party, I start it
Would leave a legacy, but my methods lethargic
Everybody wants to grow up, and be famous
But most want to pursue the path that proves painless
I've got enough money in the bank to make it hail
On a Dollar Tree Going Out of Business Half Off Sale