As an artist
All I can see, all I can do is to
Work with what's in front of me
You pierced my armor
Now to live I'll breathe
To die I'll bleed
Oh, behold this beauty of a heart
Stand proud in the face of storm clouds
There's no doubt if you
Run the sword through and through that
I will bleed out
As my love flows back to you
Mercy, there will be storm clouds
Rolling in like drunken sailors
But we can work with the wind
We can play in the rain
Oh to love again I'll say
Mercy, every day
To live I'll breathe, to die I'll bleed
Ode to love Mercy
Oh, I need you in this game
A muse and the artist who dared to paint her
A poet who is armed to the teeth with the
Words of a gladiator
Are you not entertained?
Close to my heart is the most
Beautiful part, that of Mercy
What lies close to your
Heart is the most merciful part
I would fall to my knees
Beg your pardon and plead to
Stay with me
There will be storm clouds
Rolling in like drunken sailors
But our love is a sail we can
Tack against the wind
Let's make love and spend the
Rest of our days just sailing away
What lies close to your heart is the most
Merciful part
I would fall to my knees
Beg your pardon and plead to
Stay with me