Right now I'll bet you're out on the town having yourself a ball|At the lost and found Lounge|I'm sure you've made lots of friends|You've always been good at that|Made yourself a new life|you don't miss what we had||Meanwhile back in my broken heart|I'm still not over you|I'm still takin' it hard|Barely making it through|I try movin' on but I never get far|I wind up right here back in my broken heart||If I could just forget how we loved|Pretend I don't care about all we gave up|Oh, but I'm not as strong as you seem to be|Maybe someday the pain will let go of me||Meanwhile back in my broken heart|I'm still not over you|I'm still takin' it hard|Barely making it through|I try movin' on but I never get far|I wind up right here back in my broken heart|Back in your open arms is was where I remain|For me nothing's changed||Back in my broken heart|I'm still not over you|I'm still takin' it hard|Barely making it through|I try movin' on but I never get far|I wind up right here back in my broken heart