Jesus Emmanuel
My spirit rejoices in my saviour
King of Kings and Lord of lords
Was born in a manger
I look to the manger it's where you were born
The mess and the filth of that first Christmas morn
Son of the heavens you're God's masterplan
You came to us O Emmanuel
Jesus Emmanuel
My spirit rejoices in my saviour
King of Kings and Lord of lords
Was born in a manger
Shepherds and Magai both gathered there
Some of the wisest and lowest compared
I love what this said on that first Christmas morn
My God is a god who came for us all
Jesus Emmanuel
My spirit rejoices in my saviour
King of Kings and Lord of lords
Was born in a manger
We could not reach you though some have tried
All falling short in a constant backslide
None could attain it were disqualified
Still you sent your son to bridge the divide
Jesus Emmanuel
My spirit rejoices in my saviour
King of Kings and Lord of lords
Was born in a manger
Jesus Emmanuel
My spirit rejoices in my saviour
King of Kings and Lord of lords
Was born in a manger