And the bull walked around, olay! (olay!) [x2]
Bring on the picador! The matador!
He swept the floor with the toreador!
And the bull walked around, olay! (olay!)
There was a toreador, so the story goes,
He used to kill the bull and turn up his nose!
One day, a big black bull from the pampas came
Who never heard of the seƱor's fame.
The toreador turned to take a bow.
The bull said "here's your end right now!"
Another toreador swore he'd get the beast,
Said he would give the townfolk a big fat feast.
Then the big black bull, he just yawned away
And sent a note he'd be glad to play.
The toreador went to tie his shoe.
Next Thursday's funeral is at two!
T'was then the toreador union, having fits,
Decided it was time they should call it quits.
They planted daffodils on the bullfight ring.
And to this day, all the poets sing,
Of the big black bull with a heart so stout,
who taught the people all to shout:
And the bull walked around, olay! [x3]
[Thanks to poposheepdog for adding these lyrics]