Rewind it, check the tape,
Check the tape,
Life rules when you're just like us
No one could ever catch
Life rules when you're just like us
No one could ever catch
Life rules when you're just like us
No one could ever catch
Seeing me walk you're like
"Hey they're big?"
Nah nah! No way!
I must run away
I must run away
Run away!
Run away!
Have you ever seen?
Someone like me?
Bet that guy over there
Could even beat me?
Cause I rule?
Cause I rule?
Nah nah, no way!
I must run away
I must run away
Run away!
Run away!
Run away!
Check the tape
I must run away!
Check the tape
I must run away!
You think you're something!
So something!
You think you're something!
Check the tape!
You think you're something!
So something!
You think you're something!
Check the tape!
Check the tape!
Check the tape!
Life rules when you're just like us!
I must run away!
Life rules when you're just like us!
I must run away!
Life rules when you're just like us!
I must run away!
Check the tape!
Check the tape!
Rewind it, check the tape,
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Rewind it, check the tape
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Rewind it, check the tape,
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Rewind it, check the tape,
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Rewind it, check the tape,
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Rewind it, check the tape,
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Life rules when you're just like us
No one could ever catch
Seeing me walk you're like
"Hey they're big!"
Nah nah! No way!
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid
Life rules when you're just like us
No one could ever catch
Seeing me walk you're like
"Hey they're big!"
Nah nah! No way!
Rewind it, check the tape,
Check the tape,
Check the tape,
Check the tape,
Check the tape,
Rewind it, check the tape,
You think you're something!
So something!
You think you're something!
Check the tape!
I must run away, run away,
I'm so cool, but so scared
I'm so interesting, but so afraid !!!!!!!!
I've heard every single one of these adjectives!
Why don't you just go!
I'm happy you did!
I never needed you!