In outer space
There's a super villain
He's a human race
But totally illin'
Years ago
Captain Kirk really betrayed him
Now he wants revenge
By totally slaying him
And wants to avenge
His dead wife
Cause a gnarly bug totally ate out her brains
Now Chekov is there
For some reason
And finds Khan
And Khan ceases him
And demands
Where is his nemesis Kirk
But Chekov won't say
So khan grabs the bugs
And puts them in
His space helmet
Now they crawl
In his ear, look out Chekov
He's strong silly
From Eugenics
He's probably really
Good at tennis
But anyway
Back to his revenge on Kirk
Khan commandeers
The starship reliant
And masquerades
As someone reliant
And sneaks up on Kirk's ship
As they get closer
Khan charges phasers
What are phasers
They're powerful lasers
Look out Captain they're firing on you, who?
His name is Khan
He's totally strong
He'll bury you in your lawn
He's played by Ricardo Montalbon