This is the story about Edward McMann
He's not who you think he is
He's anyone but a clam
That's right I said a clam
As in the thing you eat
Before you run to the store to pick up
Pickles and sauerkraut
This guy is cold
This guy is low
This guy is nice
Yeah he's cold as ice
My DVD player is in the shop
Being looked at for God knows what
Don't ask me I didn't bring it there
Now let's get back on track
The fact is not what you think it is
But in fact what you know it is
This guy is cold
This guy is low
This guy is nice
Yeah he's cold as ice
All the jelly bean said
Was to respect the floor
So I did and he can't ask me anymore
So let's let's let's get going my darling
For the time is almost up
To request your song at the local drive-thru
This guy is cold
This guy is low
This guy is nice
Yeah he's cold as ice
This guy is cold
This guy is low
This guy is nice
Yeah he's cold as ice