Godzilla Godzilla
Rampaging the land
Godzilla Godzilla
Comes across a can
With bolts in his neck
And stitches in his label
Godzilla says Oh poop
It's my arch-nemesis Frankensoup
Frankensoup Frankensoup
He's our can
If he can't do it
No one uh can
Godzilla blew his fiery breath
Toward the can of soup
But it only brought him
To a slow simmer
The directions clearly state
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees
Godzilla again blew his fiery breath
'Cause that's all he can do
But Frankensoup dodged it and said
You won't turn me into soup stew
Frankensoup Frankensoup
He's our can
If he can't do it
No one uh can
The battle raged on for
Forty minutes and forty days
And by the end
The whole town was in shambles
No one knew what to do
So they rebuilt the city using
Legos and Lincoln logs
Then Godzilla turned to Frankensoup
And said I wanna call a truce
Frankensoup said no I have to get home
And raise my family's bowls
Frankensoup Frankensoup
He's our can
If he can't do it
No one uh can
So you see the moral is
Don't you get too greedy
Because what you have can be taken away
With the superhero monster battle of the century
What am I saying I don't know
Because I'm improvising this on the spot
But one thing's for sure
It's not making any sense
Frankensoup won