I need to talk
Man, it's been a horrible four months without you
I've been in the worst pain in my life
It's been so crazy, some, sometimes I forget how to eat, or sleep
I hardly even function right
I miss- it's so weird not calling you every day
Making sure you're okay
Sometimes we'd talk for hours, sometimes we'd talk for minutes
Talk about all types of things
Sometimes just joke around
Sometimes talk about some deep conversations
To being at your house every weekend for six months straight
Playing League with Illie, Rico, and Leo, to being on Ice and Will
To riding out on, on the road, and just talking about life
And have so many ideas just bouncin' back to each other
Listening to the new, listening to the albums, to the music
You taught me so much these last few years
You taught me how to be a man, how to assert control
Taught me how, how to deal with certain things didn't need to be dealt with
How to block out the negativity, and all that energy I didn't need
I could go on and on forever, for all the memories we had, but damn
Think I've shared so much, it's like every time we got off the phone
The last time, the last time we talked, the last thing you said was, "I love you"
I love you, Jah, thank you for everything