Fur all years I'll cherish the stripes on your back,
Climbing up the walls, couldn't you just relax?
Give me nine of your lives
Your fur your purr your ears your eyes,
Let's play this game where you fall from the sky,
And always land on your feet
I love my kitty cat even though,
She scratches my eyeballs,
I love her so,
It's tearing my hair out
I've got your saucer full of milk,
I've got your nepata cataria,
Let me get your fancy feast
I love my kitty cat even though,
She scratches my eyeballs,
I love her so,
It's tearing my hair out
Your flaws yours paws your claws your all,
Tie a bell around your neck you'll never be lost,
When you don't want to be found.
I love you Kitten.