So many snowflakes So little time
It makes me wanna figure out a way
To put my life into rhyme They'll call me based
Long after I'm dead Walk on water like Jesus
And I make the city red
I own the libs every day
Red pills you cannot cure
I don't groom children for sure
I own the libs every day
With these memes and facts to say
If it isn't against the law
You know I would mention election fraud
I run alts on my alts to 1000
Libs are in the garbage
Like it's lost and found
I own the libs every day
Red pills you cannot cure
I don't groom children for sure
I own the libs every day
With these memes and facts to say
I'm feeling like a king
But I lost my throne
Got a cardboard box that's holding all my stuff
Idk maybe some day I'll work in Hollywood
You know it's so hard when you do lots of drugs
Sometimes I think I'm on
OnlyFans for this nice older lady who gives me paychecks
But she's just my boss
I guess this ain't
Trump's a king just like Forrest Gump he's well groomed
Like me