Well I'm not perfect, but I'm no demon child
I might get testy, but I'm mostly mild
Teachers write me detentions, but I didn't do it
Well maybe I did it, but they gotta prove it
Santa, I know the dilemma
To dump a lump of coal, or cram a top shelf sella
My parents brag loud, I'm their pride and joy
I love my friends, share all my toys
Maybe I shouldn't have hit his head at all
But my sister was crying when he made her fall
Santa, I know the dilemma
To dump a lump of coal, or cram a top shelf sella
I'm naughty and nice and if you're honest like me
You'd say that you were, too
We're not all either/or
Sometimes it feels right to even the score
We all have reasons for breaking bad, and sometimes
Those reasons are for good
Is a coal clump justified?
Can we reach a compromise?
I'm naughty and nice and let's be real
Most the whole world is, too
When you check that list again
You know in both places I fit
My sister is truly good, so fulfill her every request
I put milk and cookies on the side
She put carrots out for Rudolph and the rest of your ride
Christmas Morning, stockings full
Sister's glad with every pull
I've got sweaters and underwear
Guess I needed two more pairs
But wait, what's this?
You're a funny fella
You dumped a lump of coal with my favorite action figure
I'm naughty and nice, I've got the presents now that prove it, too
When I hear, "Ho Ho Ho"
I think "where's the Pimp?" - I mean Santa
I'll always have a rebel streak, but at the core
I've got a tender heart
Guess I'll always be Naughty and Nice, Merry Christmas
I'll always be Naughty and Nice, Happy New Year
I'll always be... with my "Ho Ho Ho's!"