They put me in school to learn to sit still
The best training for working the line
Shaping a boy into a component
For the wars or the mills or the mines
Submission ground in for generations
Each little freedom paid for in blood
While executives dream of their pet robots
And plan their escape to Mars
The overseer in his glass tower
Rules by layoffs instead of whips
Cancers his workers to avoid paying pensions
Indentures to mortgages to work us to death
Submission ground in for generations
Each little freedom paid for in blood
While executives dream of their pet robots
And plan their escape to Mars
Great-Grandfather died share-cropping
Grandmother died in the mills
Father died in the trenches
Defending our freedom to live
The clank and whine of machinery
Follows me into my sleep
Where it joins the screams over centuries
Of peasants, of slaves, of human machines
Submission ground in for generations
Each little freedom paid for in blood
While executives dream of their pet robots
And plan their escape to Mars
Executives dream of only pet robots
While they plan their escape to Mars