Lammas Day morning, the corn at full height
A warm sun, a blue sky Crows flock in the East
Out of the sun, out of nightmare they howl
Blood-hungry, unleashed by the one they call King
So hide, Jenny, hide, the robbers are coming
Like a dead moon in their armor shining
They will take you, Jenny, they will take everything
The ones who call themselves righteous arms of the King
From out of deep time we've cared for this land
Hunted the beech woods, fished silver streams
Now the thugs of the man who calls himself King
In a moment will turn us from people to things
They call it divine right, they claim they are leaders
Protectors of nations, of treasure, of God
But they're just puffed-up robbers, someday we'll remember
That we were a people before there were Kings
So fly, Jenny, fly, the robbers are coming
Take our children and fly as far as you can
Survive, god willing, where they cannot venture
And pass along stories of when we were people, not things
Lammas Day morning, the corn at full height
A warm sun, a blue sky Crows flock in the East