He's like an oak tree on a hill
That's been standing there a hundred years
He made it through many bitter nights
He'd say darkness always proceeds the light
He'd never let you feel the scars from his fights He covered them well each spring time
He was strong and fierce when He was young But he just got sweeter as time went on
He was a Hell of a man in my mind
He was an oak tree among the pine
His roots ran deeper than you know
His family was his heart and soul
But he grew up hard with integrity
He wore his honor on his leaves
With thirsty eyes on every move he made
I dreamed of becoming like him one day
I didn't know it then, but I do today
I was always covered by his shade
He was a Hell of a man in my eyes
He was an oak tree among the pine
And You may never find,
His name written in the annals of time
But the Rings inside that tree
They tell a story, of a history
And ten thousand memories
And he will forever live on in my mind
He was an oak tree among the pine
Yeah my Paw Paw he was one of a kind
He was an oak tree among the pine