This bike may look like it's for pedalling down the road
This bike may look like it's just rusty and getting old
Looks can be deceptive they can tell you lies
This bike's got the truth written on the side
This bike's for dancing, fire it up and let it go
This bike's for dancing, see it running down the road
This bike's for dancing, flying, living forever
This bike's a dream it's just a thing inside my head
Don't know what it means but it's escaped outside my bed
I heard a voice singing words on the wheels
Woke me up I can't describe how strange that feels
This bike's for dancing, fire it up and let it go
This bike's for dancing, see it running down the road
This bike's for dancing, flying, living forever
This bike's illusory, imaginary, a hallucination
Just a figment of my strange imagination
Almost lost it when my tide of dreams was washing away
Wrote it down the moment that I found myself awake
This bike's for dancing, fire it up and let it go
This bike's for dancing, see it running down the road
This bike's for dancing, flying, living forever