They followed him through foothills in the hope of climbing mountains
Only to be lured to drown in false fountains
They thought there was something greater beneath
While learning an algorithm for how to speak
For how to be with rotten teeth slime seeps
Virgin wakening was mired
Bitter cream of dandelions
Is harder to get off than rain in fire
In the corners 1000 roots grow
Pervasive maximally invasive
Marking you with dark smears
Regurgitating them into you
Proctoring your posturing character doctoring
Forgetting your own missions and intuitions in endless dick shaking competitions
It's just a little bit more clever on the spot is what university is all about
Coming out beyond burned out
Sanitized version of your former self
Intolerant enfeebled unreasonable
Turning from saint to tyrant when the time is right told to fight
So haggard with cruel appraisals looking daggers
Screaming becomes breathing
Purple face newly wed with seeing red
Who knew a glance could make you unglued
Stoking tortured feelings leaves you reeling
It's a mistake to throw out
Real conversation of frank give and take
When everythings not included
It creates swathes of confusion