We married in spring |when the birds start to sing|On a June afternoon|with our family and friends|His words were so fair |Like a breeze on a willow|Or the warmth of the sun|On a hot burning ember|| |As the years passed on by|Summer gave in to winter|Words spoken in anger|turned my heart to bitter|But a love born in spring|Can weather a winter|leave your heart warm|With the faintest of cinders||Can you kindle a love |Frosted by a winter|Can you harvest the sun |and reign in the moon|When love dies away |is their time to remember|And warm up the heart|with the faintest of now I don't believe me cinders||Chorus |Sometimes he feels|Like Blackberry winter|A love that's grown cold and a heart made of stone. |He used to be warm like the solstice of summer|But sometimes it feels like he's already gone|