People forget you|And you start to fade|I'm scared of the loneliness|So I'll keep on a playin |till they lay me down one day....||Chorus|I'm scared of the loneliness |The world bein quiet|Been working so hard at this|I don't want to retire||Nobody wants to talk about the old days|Except those who are gettin on in age|It's to hard lookin back wards |The memories feel like burning flames ||Too many misses and lost chances|To many people who've gone on|The quietness of the nightfall |Brings back heartache like a song|||They ain't no words found in silence |Like the ones you wish you sang|And there ain't no reason to retire|While that guitar it calls my name||When it comes my time to go out|For that final Curtain call|I wanna still be found a workin|Singing Me Home when Saint Peter calls||People they forget you |And you start to fade|I'm scared of the loneliness|So I'll keep on a playin |till they lay me down one day