Hello Beauty!
Who did that say?
It's me, the Machine.
So this is a fake compliment.
Everything you can realize is a fake. Maybe it's more pleasant, if we give the machine a human like representative.
So let's take plastic, it's so elastic.
But please take wood under the hood.
Let's make him rusty, that is so trusty.
We should be sure, to make him pure.
Let's give him eyesight, that he can see right.
He needs a nose to smell a rose.
He should be moving and gently grooving.
So give him legs, before he begs.
Let's make him shiny, and not so grimy.
Please don't use gold, that looks so old.
He is so silent, seems to be absent.
Then call him John and switch him on.
He's babbling nonsense and dancing intense.
That is no good, could be the wood.
He looks so silly, let's call him Billy.
He hits the wall, I call him Paul.
Paul is an idiot!
But that was your choice.