We had a funnel going into homes filling us with best belief
We made a bunch of tunnels from our fears fighting all with disbelief
Sun didn't warn us, water wouldn't say wind didn't whisper, fire turned dust
We shot a path but we didn't grasp we were lacking empathy
We didn't worry and always hurried into what we couldn't see
Sun didn't warn us, water wouldn't say wind didn't whisper, fire turned dust
In and into one, one from two and moving then
Making three then four, each and then go on again
We had a funnel going into homes filling us with best belief
We made a bunch of tunnels from our fears fighting all with disbelief
Sun, it didn't warn us, water wouldn't say wind didn't whisper, fire turned dust
The sun didn't warn us, the water wouldn't say
The wind didn't whisper, the fire turned dust