In the stars we're alive
After we have died
We look on through new eyes
Constellations as limbs
Stretching as we please
We grow on for infinity
Unencumbered by my
Flesh and blood
I leave it behind
Everything that I am
Disintegrates in infinite space.
In the stars
In the stars
I'm alive
Drifting far, drifting far, from my life
Watching over those I have loved
And I can't see
If they could even remember me
I'm starting to feel the boundaries of my ego
Slowly and expertly disperse
Drifting, glowing
I've become
Disembodied yet whole
I mix with other souls
You will too, Oh
Every light that's blinking in the darkness
Once had a point of view
But now that's lost
I fell to the beasts down below
But every soul reaches the sky
One day you will all be with me again
Remember me until then