Sunset to sundown
Your trolling in funtown
Skill and precision
Make your incision
Your Running around
Burning it down again
Absinthe and madness
A dollop of anguish
Crimson and scarlet
Uptown harlots
Your running around
And burning it down my friend
Come back home now
Come back home again
Same old blues ya
Same old booze and friends
Same melodrama leaves you with nothing to say
When Officer Karma
Takes you away
Upscale to rundown
Your rolling in mudtown
Wit and revision
Cast your derision
Your running around
And burning it down again
Come back home now
Come back home again
Same old booze ya same ne'er do well friends
Same Melodrama leaves you with nothing to pay
When Officer Karma
Takes you away
Same Melodrama leaves you with nothing to say
When Officer Karma
Takes you away
Takes you away
Takes you away