Tell me so much of your life expose all your fears, your sorrows
Read me as long as you like an inch for a boost. Thank you very much
You are offline in your life
Everyone is blinded by a fake world
You are online in your dreams
Everyone looks at what you feel
Tell me about you behind the screen
I know how to love you
F*ck it and give your life is a show, your audience will love you
You are offline in your life
Everyone is blinded by a fake world
You are online in your dreams
Everyone looks at what you feel
Like!... Like what I think
Think!... Think what I love
I love... To tell my life story
My life in exposition
Don't give it up to spit your life
Don't give it up to spit your life
Tell me so much of your life expose all your fears, your sorrows
Read me! As long as you like inch for a boost, thank you very much
You are offline in your life
Everyone is blinded by a fake world
You are online in your dreams
Everyone looks at what you feel
Go, let your neighbor have a eye
Go, let your neighbor have a eye
Red becomes blue
The blue are your shots
Your shots will kill you