Another rainy evening
Hello, Liza Minnelli
Could it be fate intervening
We only have gin to dull our sorrow
Come share my umbrelli
We'll ascribe it some kind of meaning
Even if we're a little smelly
Maybe I'll move in tomorrow
I'll be the beast
The beast unleashed
Unleashed released
I'll be the beast for
Liza Minnelli
Can't we at least
Can't we at least
Can't we at least
Can't we at least
Just touch bellies
Another rainy evening
Hear that sizzling sound
Seeing might be believing
Money makes the world go 'round
Liza's fur spins spicy spurs
Goggy growls and kitty purrs
He hasn't gotten his, maybe she'll get hers
Stop talking, Gog, you'll make it worse
Moor ruoy ni enola lla gnittis si doog tahw