My heart ain't feeling sorrow. Well it can but it won't. Today an urge as a lover
Rose to conclude
A sudden need to rediscover the spark between the coarse. Took me out of the picture. Am I still your beloved?
When all temptations have their own little song to sing. Dipped a toe in with out knowing.
Did one to many, and the many came on to me. Got the feet wet dissolved with a reject.
No one seems to know what goes around me,
Cause they can't, and they won't care if I might be drowning myself, while it is momentary good.
Stand up straight and will my heart fail? I do nothing and overdose.
When all temptations have their own little song to sing. Dipped a toe in with out knowing.
Did one to many, and the many came on to me. Got the feet wet dissolved with a reject.