Foreign thoughts not mine
I am not like them
Here of my own free will
And I can't become them
Though they tease my brain
I won't let them in
Healing shall begin
But when do I win
Days bleed into nights
I'm not getting better
But I stay the course
As they venture further
Methods of their time
I'm in my own hands
I'm not like their minds
They are sick and twisted
The one beside me screams
Of names I do not know
He reached out to me
He warns of Nachtnebel
Who is this man
What made him so lost
Damned am I cursed to this
No, I'm not like him here
This man is sick and wrong
His claims of kinship
Fall upon deaf ears
My flesh crawls in anguish
I reap upon these bricks
I dream of tearing her apart
With me screaming to tear down the walls
Who is this man
What made him so lost
Damned am I cursed to this
No, I'm not like him here
Insanity is free
From my mind, that's mine, it's mine
I'm not like him