Abba - Father, We Praise you
Yesh - uah, We Love you
Holy - Spirit, We Trust you
We see the stars that Abraham saw
We know the God that Abraham saw
We hear the voice that Abram heard
The voice of God, the spoken Word
Our hearts were changed when he said
I'm the Lord God Almighty
Abba - Father, We Praise you
Yesh - uah, We Love you
Holy - Spirit, We Trust you
We see the stars that Abraham saw
We know the God that gave us the Law
We walk by faith in a foreign land
A faith this world does't understand
The call of God When he says
Serve the Lord God Almighty
Almighty, Redeemer, Son of God, Is He.
Abba - Father, We Praise you
Yesh - uah, We Love you
Holy - Spirit, we Trust you
We see the stars that Abraham saw.
We know the God that Died for us all.
In the wilderness we're not alone
When fears arise our God is strong
The one who rolled the stone away
Is the Lord God Almighty
Abba - Father, we Praise you
Yesh - uah, we Love you
Holy - Spirit, we Trust you
We see the stars that Abraham saw.
We know that God offers grace to us all
We Know the God - Who gives Life - To us all.