Ready for the first flight
Don't wanna miss the first flight
Am Ready for first flight
I ain't missing the first flight
This people ain't regular
They first flight ready this people ain't secular the real wrestler they have Christ within this people ain't similar
We don't care about fake peace
We do have original
The rapture is happening why Christian are racis preaching in power why Christians are basic
Wisdom beyond oceans
Why Christian are logic
They can't hear a Trumpet the environment is noisy
The world is never too big
It's a matter of choices
They too big to hear instructions now these guys bosses
Are you Spirit led
Do understand the consequences of
What you tryna make
Imagine the rapture happens
And finds you a plane
Finds you on date
Celebrating on a club
Finds you tryna clap
Finds you on church
Or you finds a buss
Finds you in duvbo
Finds you playing football
Finds you on a disko
Finds you on a boat or finds you on amission
Finds you as a Pastor or finds you Dekon
Finds you starting church Finds you with no vision
Believing he ain't real finds you so delusion
Finds you doing politics finds you politicians
Finds you staying all day without prayer for no reason
Finds you speaking and sinning as a Christian
Ready for the first flight
Don't wanna miss the first flight
Am Ready for first flight
I ain't missing the first flight
You Tryna move mountains you tryna be raptured ready you tryna take pauses you tryna get ghosting you don't know where ghost is
You be doing the wrong things
You say you finish corse
You doing other courses
These guys be acting bosses
Their songs no longer melody their songs actually noises
You gotta stop rush things
Some of you are so lose you don't know where cross is
You can't even carry it
Your own calling you burry it
Unfortunately you missing it
Moses law you breaking it
Come back he erasing it
Speak with no hate in it
Rapture is the next big thing
Tell your family your cousins some will not listen
They Tryna live right look at them in week ends
Look at their cities depth of their region
Christianity ain't religion
Lack of knowledge lack wisdom
Have you read Ephesians
Lack of sense you sold your soul
Just for thousand million
You never too late join father son Spirit Union
There's something call revival there's something call reunion