You are everything and everyone that f*cks me up
You'll kill anyone who crossed the bridge to help me out
But I'll pretend that you're not me
I'll bottle up and then I'll shout
And you'll pretend like you believe me
When I say the light is not out
I love everything and everyone that comes my way
I just wish I didn't focus on how long you'll stay
I'll focus on some problem
To act like there's an answer
The knot I've been ignoring
It's burning, please I miss her
No matter her return
Or if I love my friends
Or if I play this song
I just can't keep playing along
I get it that you love me
You wish that I would stay
Don't ever think that I won't miss you
But I've never been the same
I've put you all to blame
Never thought about my frame
My broken f*cking frame
My broken f*cking frame