It's never cold
In Southern California
Cause the devil has
A second home on Venice Beach
He's pretty cool
Cool for the devil, I suppose
So if I'm dead already
I'm right where I'm meant to be
Hey man, what's good?
Welcome to my neighborhood
I just got a great deal
On my parents' house
I pay them rent
Best money I ever spent
They don't like it
But at least it beats moving out
How are you? How's life?
How's the husband? How's the wife?
I never got the hang of polyamory
Maybe I'm the only one who
Hates a thousand days of sun
Don't get me wrong, man
There's no place I'd rather be
So I guess this is hell
I guess this is hell
I'm living in
Oh my god, we're in hell
And I like it
It's never cold
In Southern California
Cause the devil has
A second home on Venice Beach
He's pretty cool
Cool for the devil, I suppose
So if I'm dead already
I'm right where I'm meant to be
I'm so cool
So thin
Oh my god I hope I win
The Cool Thin Person Contest
I entered in Malibu
If I don't
It's chill
There's a party in the hills
The first party I've
Ever been invited to
Rent's cheap
So is gas
Take a crystal yoga class
I can't afford to
Keep up with my vanity
Oh, you, you're still there?
I guess I only care about myself
But thanks for being such a fan of me
So I guess this is hell
I guess this is hell
I'm living in
Oh my god, we're in hell
And I like it
How much could I get if I sold my soul?
Oh no
I gave it away for free
When was I supposed to learn self-control?
Oh no
I must have missed that week
Won't somebody tell me which way I go?
Oh no
I can't see anything