So where do we begin?
These cycles never complete
At the same ending once again
With momentum to repeat
Time flows in all directions
As the ebbing of the heart
Viewed through temporal reflections
We are never so far apart
We are Post Transition
Both science and magic tamed
Light Cones beyond your vision
We drift through different Frames
A higher plane of existence
Described by mathematics alone
Through evolving calculations
We have described our eternal home
When we turn our gaze to the past
Examine a dark history
It is obvious something was changed
A temporal mystery that we can't explain
Impeding the normal flow of time
Consciously dragging the Frames
Resulting in separate estuaries
Something just isn't the same
There are many paths leading here
But not all of them are viable
We have dispensed with hate and despair
Only Reason and Truth are reliable
Many timelines no longer exist
They lost the advances they gained
They failed to open the Mind
Imagination unchained
We are forever and never the same
The only Constant is Love
We perpetuate the need to maintain
Order and Truth as above
A definitive discovery
A factor invariable
A Universal constant
A force undeniable
Without equivocation
There is a physical quotient to Love
The primitive knew this before us
And so as BELLOW now ABOVE
There are realms above us
That we may never explain
Experience so far beyond us
Where time is contorted and trained
We strive to learn everything
To control all reality
But something was there before us
An unconscious non-entity
Time flows in all directions
As the ebbing of thy heart
Viewed through temporal reflections
We are never so far apart