Your face came across my screen for the first time in ages
You double-tapped a picture of mine and in a sea of other likes
Yours stood out the most
It let me know that you were still watching me
Keeping tabs to see just how well or not
I might be doing apart from you
Now normally
I'd go to your page, scroll, and like things
But I didn't do that today
I just looked at the small picture of your face and then looked away
It let me know that my heart is healing
My attention to your lack thereof has been diverted
Now your attention to my disposition is alarming because you realize
That the one heart that truly loved you unconditionally
Is changing
Becoming better, not bitter
But see, I know what happens next
You're gonna attempt to check out myspace
To see if my face has been booked by someone else's attention
But don't bother
You've already mentioned me in enough subs that you tweet
And checked every heart anyone has ever double-tapped to create
But my love
If you're hearing this
It's too late..