I've been sittin' around for too long
Gunna make myself a new song
I don't know what to sing about but
I'll figure it out
I'll figure it out
I've got my chance
What should I do?
I want to be close to you
Long summer nights
With you by my side
Summer lovin' you're the only one in town
Can you come around
The fall is coming fast
Can we make it last?
I wanna make it last
You know I'm feeling' down
Can you stay around
I got nothing to do
But bein' close to you
Summer lovin' you're the only one in town
Can you stay around
The fall is coming fast
Can we make it last?
I wanna make it last
Summer lovin' you're the only one in town
Can you stay around
The fall is coming fast
Can we make it last?
We gotta make it last