Hämmästyisitkö, jos huomaisit
Kuinka muisto pimeydestä vaanii
Seuraten askeleitasi, kuunnellen
Etsien sopivaa hetkeä raivolleen?
Hänelle sielusi juomaksi jaloksi
Vihalle temppeli verestä puhtaaksi
Hänelle sielusi huoneensa valoksi
Taivaalle ruumiisi kohotkoon savuksi
Entä, jos näkisit ja voisit koskea,
Sen olennon käteen tarttua
Oppaaksesi tällä Vihan Tiellä
Tuon unohdetun muiston kutsua?
[English translation:]
The Path Of Hate
Would you be surprised if you noticed
How a memory is lurking in the dark
Following your steps, listening
Looking for the right moment to unleash its wrath?
Your soul given as a fine drink for Him
Cleaning blood from the temple for hate's sake
Your soul given as a lamp to light His room
Your remains shall rise to the skies as smoke
What if you could see and feel
And grab the hand of that creature
Call forth that forgotten memory
As your guide on this Path of Hate?
Your soul given as a fine drink for Him
Cleaning blood from the temple for hate's sake
Your soul given as a lamp to light His room
Your remains shall rise to the skies as smoke